Recognizing that the act of erasure can be an act of healing, and that communities are built on the support and assistance of others, this collective erasing was a direct response to the suffering around us, an offering to come together and work on a challenging task. Visitors were invited to erase their regrets, desires, prayers, or any message that needed attention or mending into the graphite, or to simply help erase the graphite from the wall wordlessly. Graphite is messy to apply and difficult, if not impossible, to erase completely, yet the act of erasing gives us the opportunity to slow down and thoughtfully work together. Echoing the final blowing away of a sand mandala painting, or the washing and cleansing that follows any act of disruption or violence, the mending wall was a drawing-by-erasure made communally, containing the personal and collective in one action.
Installed at Mana Contemporary, February 21, 2016 and erased through the end of the month.