Pro-Text: When Words Enter Visual Art, Curated by Robert Sill
Illinois State Museum-Chicago Gallery, September 12 @ 5-7 PM
I’m honored to be included in this major group show at the Illinois State Museum featuring work by Illinois artists who use text. I am showing a large selection of Local Programs/A Salute to the American Girl, a series of image/text collages made from vintage TV Guides, along with an artist book containing the full suite of collages (150 total!) and two image/text films featuring poems extracted from Shadow Land, the memoir of 19th-century spiritualist Elizabeth D’Esperance. (You can see one of the films here.) Much of the work addresses memory, loss, and nostalgia for the future, or nostalgia for what never came to pass. In honor of our recherche du temps perdu, I’ll have a plate of delicious madeleines at the opening. Join me!
Illinois State Museum, Chicago Gallery
100 W Randolph, Suite 2-100
September 8, 2014 to February 6, 2015
Opening: September 12, 5-7 PM
(enter on LaSalle St after 6)
Regular Hours: Monday to Friday, 9-5