“Make It Work,” 12/15 from 21st Century Retablo. 11.7″ x 16,” mixed-media on archival paper, 2005-06. Permanent collection, USC Fisher Museum of Art.
POEM: make it work
the mother was lost none could resist the pull of gravity/
who fell in the end of the continuum an observer of culture, she knew/
how to follow the protocols, requirements still, she failed to fit/
the public system of grief the process of disruption/
reinforced faults the call of mourning doves woke her/
in her hands, the dusty remnants of blue feathers it happened/
so quickly, the destruction casual, happenstance she wove/
a heavy blanket, unstable, as if to move too much would invite/
falling the feathers caught on broken branches no/
visible light could escape his hands became her gloves, gently cross-/
stitched one stitch followed another would there be no end/
to her suffering she raised the prospect of irreversible damage/
an uncertain outcome over an uncertain timetable if the progenitor/
mass was larger, the resultant core was too heavy no matter/
how energetic “make it work through discipline and order”/
she hoped the mark would outlast her /
so much was suspect when all was formed of belief/
to move things forward “stuff your womb with crinkled paper/
to prevent pregnancy” as two children holding hands, the world/
revolved around her what could be believed in the beginning /